Invest In Company Logo Shirts: A Potent Marketing Strategy

Merlin Graphics
3 min readOct 11, 2021

Being in business is not an easy task; it requires your time, energy, and of course, your wealth. Be it a big or small business or any start-up, everyone needs promotions. Yes, the discussion is about your brand or product marketing. PR teams try hard to opt for the best marketing strategies to enhance your business in the mainstream, and you must follow the strategy. In today’s world, t-shirts are becoming a comprehensive marketing tool for promotions. Believe it or not but these moving advertisements really help to bring customers to your door. Almost every business head is using company logo shirts as a promotional tool. Why don’t you?

How to get company logo shirts?

Having a creative and attractive logo promotes your brand/business. See, a simple fact is people really observe what you wear! Especially in the case of t-shirts, everyone tries to read what your T-shirt says. So, imagine if your logo is printed creatively; who will stop the crowd from coming to you? To make logo-based shirts, you need to keep few things in mind:

  • The logo and text you are printing should be attractive and understandable; people can see and read your logo T-shirt when you step out.
  • The printing services you are using must be superior; if the logo is printed with low-quality ink, then what’s the point of making logo shirts? Go with companies that provide excellent printing services. Moreover, make sure the fabrics they are using are good, because quality speaks!
  • Go for the printing companies which have these advanced screen printing techniques and experience in apparel printing.

How do screen print tees help in marketing?

Your brand logo is an integral part of your marketing today. If you wonder how to create the right logo for your brand, Merlin Graphics can help you with that too! Their printing experts help design your idea on T-shirts and bring out what you are looking for. Let’s see how cloth-printing is helping in marketing:

Grabbing some attention

A logo-printed t-shirt can grab attention wherever and whosoever is wearing it. If your logo is exciting and speaks a lot about your product, people will ask about it. An attractive logo can even make strangers ask about it, so make sure your brand’s logo follows attention-grabbing parameters.

Represents the name of your business

If worn in public, your logo t-shirt represents your brand name. This can help create the right first impression. If designed well, it will surely excite people to ask and know more about your brand. Try distributing your logo-based t-shirts to your clients so that others can see how credible your brand is.

Unity and Impression

Not only promotions, but your brand t-shirt can also become memorable and the symbol of unity when people wear it together. Of course, employees can’t wear it daily, but you can ask them to wear your logo tees on a particular day. This represents unity and your brand-impression, which is good for your business.


Make your business prominent by printing your company logo shirts! Here you go, with Merlin Graphics; plenty of designs, printing techniques, and experts are all at your service. Don’t sit back; it’s time to give a boost to your business so that your business can give you back!

